Using A Form To Add Data

We will now use our newly created form to add an additional record to our Sales table. To create a query, you must select fields from the Sales

Click the New Record button on the horizontal scroll bar

    Access displays a blank input form.

Enter the record below into the Input form:

Record 10
Press the Tab key
Type 0071
Press the Tab key
Type 12/31/99
Press the Tab key
Type Cereal
Press the Tab key
Type Grocery
Press the Tab key
Type 2
Press the Tab key
Type 3.59
Press the Tab key
Type Yes

Your Input form should look like the one below:

Press the Tab key

    Access enters the new record into the Sales table in your database.

    Generally, it is much easier to add data to a database when you use a form.

Now your turn! Try it!